Psychologist – Dr. Sara Pellegrini

 40,98 65,57 TAX escl.

40,98 – 30 min.
65,57 – 60 min.

(Price Tax escluded)


1 Skill: Psycho-emotional stress management

2 Skill: Couples Psychotherapy

3 Skill: Communicative and relational assertiveness trainer

4 Skill: Trainer managing emotions and improving self-esteem and self-efficacy


The video consultation with the specialist is done via video call with WhatsApp, FaceTime from smartphone or via PC with Meet or Zoom according to the user’s needs.

Once the ticket is purchased, the user receives the telephone number of the professional’s personal secretary through whom he or she can schedule an appointment at the agreed-upon time.

BSc in Clinical and Community Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Florence and then, MSc in Clinical Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Padua.

Specialized in Family and Systemic Relational Psychotherapy at Centro Studi Di Applicazione Della Terapia Relazionale, Prato. Attainment of registration as a Psychotherapist. Member of the interdisciplinary project “AWAKE BRUXISM ASSESSMENT AND CLINICAL CORRELATES” of the Journal of Clinical Medicine, directed by Prof. D. Manfredini, participates in international programs on the Epidemiology of Bruxism and bio-psychosocial correlates. Psychologist-Psychotherapist, Freelancer, has been working in clinical settings for over ten years. In clinical practice he deals with:

  • Individual and family psychotherapy
  • Couple guidance and psychological support. Couple psychotherapy;
  • Counseling and treatment of problems related to the sphere of anxiety and mood disorders with specific attention to the emotional counterpart, related thoughts, and physical activation particularly the muscle tension involved;
  • Training on communicative and relational assertiveness;
  • Counseling and treatment for managing emotions and improving self-esteem and self-efficacy;
  • Expert in the management of psycho-socio-emotional dynamics underlying the problems of Bruxism, Temporomandibular Disorders and Oro-facial Pain.Degree in Clinical and Community Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Florence and then, Laura in Clinical Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Padua.

    Specialized in Family and Systemic Relational Psychotherapy at Centro Studi Di Applicazione Della Terapia Relazionale, Prato. Attainment of registration as a Psychotherapist. Member of the interdisciplinary project “AWAKE BRUXISM ASSESSMENT AND CLINICAL CORRELATES” of the Journal of Clinical Medicine, directed by Prof. D. Manfredini, participates in international programs on the Epidemiology of Bruxism and bio-psychosocial correlates. Psychologist-Psychotherapist, Freelancer, has been working in clinical settings for over ten years. In clinical practice he deals with:

    • Individual and family psychotherapy
    • Couple guidance and psychological support. Couple psychotherapy;
    • Counseling and treatment of problems related to the sphere of anxiety and mood disorders with specific attention to the emotional counterpart, related thoughts, and physical activation particularly the muscle tension involved;
    • Training on communicative and relational assertiveness;
    • Counseling and treatment for managing emotions and improving self-esteem and self-efficacy;
    • Expert in managing the psycho-socio-emotional dynamics underlying the problems of Bruxism, Temporomandibular Disorders and Oro-facial Pain.


The relationship between bruxism and psychology:

A key to getting to know you!

Anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, and resentment are all states of the mind that have the potential to generate uncontrolled muscle tension that, if prolonged over time, can trigger even very serious consequences in the oral cavity, face and neck muscles, and mouth joints.

If your BruxApp test showed a high psycho-emotional tension result, you may need a specialist who can help you better manage these tensions by working upstream, on their causes.

Anxiety, fear, anger, as well as resentment or resentment, are All these emotions are related to our daily lives and we experience them normally in our hectic and stress-filled lives.

Like any emotion they have a dual connotation one related to the mind, to thoughts, the other physiologically related to the body. Emotions in fact (from the Latin ex-movere, to move out) have had since our origin as humans the task of helping us survive by setting up a pattern of physical and hormonal reactions that can make us have an immediate and adaptive response.

Responses so innate and automatic that they become sayings: "grit your teeth," "let your mouth drop open," or "bite the life"When does this response become the cause of potential problems?

When a stressor is too intense or too long in duration, a mismatch can be created between the psychophysical response and the stimulus that generated it. It is in this process that fear, anger, shame, resentment and what created them (from a trivial argument, for example, to family or work problems) seem to have the potential to generate uncontrolled and chronic unconscious muscle tensions (Lowen called them "muscle armor").

Then, intensity and duration can trigger even very serious consequences in the body in general and in the neck, face, and oral cavity in particular. Tensive headaches, pain in the muscles of the neck, face, jaws or mouth joints can be so significant as to become chronic and disabling. Body and mind are in constant dialogue with each other, they are two sides of the same coin; the body through its pain helps to remind us of how much the mind, our way of reasoning, can become rigid and "always too tense," creating a vicious cycle between (mental) discomfort and (physical) pain. Changing our mind's way of responding with less rigid and identifying thoughts (ed. note: you are already offering it a solution...), accepting and distancing ourselves from our emotions, understanding our relationships and the way we inhabit them can then have important, though not obvious, implications in the way we understand, experience, and treat our pains and rigidities.If your BruxApp test showed a high psycho-emotional tension result, you may need a specialist who can help you better manage these tensions by working upstream, on their causes.

Psychological counseling in addition to making deep sense of these muscular tensions and its consequences also aims to give you versatile strategies to be able to deal with and manage the psycho-emotional dynamics that generate and sustain these physical problems, preventing them from becoming chronic. the emotions experienced, the thoughts that protract them in harmful ways, feelings and related relationships.